Sunday, April 30, 2017

(Mugen)Natsu + lots Mugen updates and information

You can download Natsu's latest version on his page here.

Lots of information and a few updates this week so let's get right into it!

Animations added for Natsu version 0.2:

Tentacle Maiden:

Tentacle Drill:


Tentacle Trap:

Animations added for Link(v1.3) and Kuromaru(v0.4):
I did not make any of these moves myself, I only took them from other Kuromarus and compiled them into one. I only did the animations for the bottom characters.

Door: This is the only move that contains watersports so far, I don't really know what to do with this move to be honest, but I may come up with something better later.
Command: D, D, z

Command: D, D, x
Defeat the opponent using this move to see the full animation.

Time stopped masturbation:
Command: Start, then press any button (a,b,c,x,y,z) then press Start again.

Arouser and Invader Finisher:
Defeat the opponent with the Arouser or Invader move

That's it for the animations and moves updates, but we still have a few things to go over.

Premade Mugen game update:

I updated the mugen game with all the latest updates, including all the above updates. You can download the game by going on the page here.

Concerning the poll:

There will not be a poll for the next month, I'm sorry but there's something else I want to work on instead of a new bottom character. However, I decided I would give more updates for Natsu on top of my other project which I will talk about below.

A new project:

So here's my new project: 

His codename for now is DDC, that's what I will call this guy when referring to him. So who's DDC? He's a demon, hungry for some sex and a brand new top character I am working on. After making changes to Kuromaru, I wanted to try my hands at making my very own top character with custom moves. I wanted him to be humanoid, because there aren't many complex human top characters. To make compatibility easier, I am also reusing some moves from other tops, but I do not simply, copy/paste them like the updates I did for Kuromaru.

Here are two examples of moves that are borrowed from Kuromaru:

This is what I used to test coding (I coded this myself using a few tutorial, namely the one made by Dmanbro which you can find here), DDC is using a different animation than Kuromaru when doing the Doggystyle, but the bottom character still uses the same sprites.

Mind Control:
This is also another move taken from Kuromaru but the way it works is different. With Kuromaru, this move is triggered diffently based on your opponent's life and the distance between Kuromaru and his opponent. With DDC, you first hit your ennemy with a projectile, then you press a, b or c to decide what you want your opponent to do. While controling his opponent, DDC will start masturbating, fixing a problem that Kuromaru had when using the gas (In watch mode, he tries to attack the character repeatedly, hiding most of what's happening). The finisher can also be triggered if you reduce your opponent's life to 0 with the initial projectile.

These are recycled moves, but I also want him to have his own personal moves. I've been working on the biggest one I have in mind so far and it's a move I've wanted to see on a character for quite some time now. (It's also why a few finishers I did are using this concept XD)

This move involves DDC's opponent getting milked, the only thing this move will reuse from Kuromaru is the screen above the opponent to display the character's zoomed up face. Also, once the bottle is full, DDC will drink it to restore his own life.
*This is a photoshop image, not an ingame one as I am still working on it.

As for some other moves I want to implement here's a quick rundown:

Masturbation: I will use a position similar to the doggystyle as it would be perfect for this. A standup animations would make aligning larger or smaller characters difficult.

Prostate Massage:
The name is pretty self explanatory ;p. I want to make a closeup animation for this one, but I am still debating whether or not I should reuse sprites (Probably tentacle Drill if I do) or make a new position.

Summon Stance:
DDC will summon some of his servants to play with his opponent, here's what I have so far (These will more than likely reuse some different positions like pyramid, bent spoons, etc.):
Slime boy: After capturing the victim, he will enter the oponent from behind (Inflation move).
Dragon boy: He's a power uke who will use the opponent's dick and ass as he pleases.
Wolf/fox boy: I want to make a furry character with a proper knotting move ;).

Brainwashing Chair:
I saw a concept for a chair like this for the Science for adult character a while ago, but it never was used. I want to make something similar for DDC.

This will reuse the midnight bliss animation. DDC will absorb part of his opponent's soul to restore his power bar.

Basic Finisher:
When DDC finishes off an opponent, he will make a hole spawn under them to trigger the animations used for Kuromaru's vore finishers.

Corruption finisher:
This is the finisher I want to do specially for DDC, he will corrupt his oponnent into being his slave by using a curse. The result will either have the opponent addicted to sex or he will be transformed into a sex hungry demon.
(Artist: Kakenari )

With all that said, you can see that this is a really ambitious project. On top of making all these moves, I need to make the basic motions for the character (Walking, standing, jumping, etc.). This will more than likely take a few months to make, which is why I want to work on a single bottom character next month.

DDC is not available for download yet since he's way too incomplete (He can only walk, stand still and execute the two moves above), however, I'd like to hear your thoughts on him or even suggest some moves you'd like to see on a character like him.


  1. Thank you for your hard work. I'm give advice when the char die,they can broken the cloths that's very good。

    1. I know Kuromaru could do something similar, but I never did that animation. I'll think about it ;p

  2. It's amazing, it looks like you work hard ^^

    1. Tbh I was afraid I wouldn't make it in time for Natsu's animations this week XD

  3. Hello~
    I'm that anonymous again.
    Ahaha, you probably don't remember. It seems that you have worked hard, I admire your hard work, you're amazing. Good luck, Sir Redflash.

    1. Thank you! If you enter a name when commenting instead of anonymous I will be able to tell who you are ;p

    2. Well then, I don't really know how to comment in a blog so this is my first time using a name.

    3. This is perfect and the name you chose is easy to remember ^.^

  4. Amazing work. You are a great artist. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

  5. I really love your works, they are better than any oter in the web! Keep doing that amazing work. Can you add some body hair in some of your caracters, i mean, there is a lot of hairless chars anywhere. Its only a suggestion. Great work!

    1. Thank you :D, for the body hair, I don't do it since most of the characters do not really have body hair (except for pubic hair for some of them). Also, I think most people avoid doing it because it makes the animations a bit harder to make ;p.

  6. I am really looking forward to DDC. I love the hypnosis/mind control stuff, it's so cool, and I can't wait to see what you do with it. Maybe he could turn into a clone of the victim and fuck them like that? Although I imagine that might be hard unless it's coded into the victim.

    1. Yeah clones have to be coded into the victim, best I could do is clone DDC and have him fuck the victim like that xd.

  7. done a great job! this is phenomenal!

  8. what link Arouser and Invader Finisher:command?

    1. Walk towards your opponent and press b or y.

  9. simply wow! you just don't stop to amaze us!

  10. is it possible to make an auto-update for the latest game compilation or create a torrent file which will be automatically updated from time to time?

    1. Tbh, I don't know much about torrents and all that, the best I can do is update the game once in a while and give you the new download link. Also, going by the download, most people prefer to add the characters manually (Most likely because they have their own custom mugen with their own list of characters)

  11. Redflash, do you custom code all your vore finishers, or do you copy/paste from other victims? They are all so detailed and intricate. I truly love them.

    1. Aside from the sounds, there is no coding involved, as for the sounds, I do not copy/paste it from other victims ;).

  12. DDC is pretty hot! I like it. ;D
    Having him masturbate while controlling his victims is nice, I can't find any tops that do the same.
    Maybe you could have an idle animation/move where he just masturbates? :o

    Either way, keep up the fantastic work!~

    1. Thank you! I think have an idle where he masturbates might be a bit much for a simple idle animation, but I could always have him fondle his dick ;p.

    2. Same anon, but now with a name!
      I figured an idle animation where he just masturbates would be like, too much for just an idle xD. Watching him fondle his dick would be a pretty neat idea though. :o
