Wednesday, March 22, 2017

(Game)Chapter 2 Update 2: A new character joins the group

His name's Hiro, he's a lazy and shameless Exkit but the strongest of his tribe. He's been assigned to the group and will accompany them as they venture on the Exkit's lands. Hiro is a talented weapon master, he can effectively use daggers, swords, throwing weapons but he is most efficient with his trusted bow.


Hiro will be the only new character joining the group this chapter and generally, there won't be more than one character joining the group per chapter from now on. Now that they character was revealed, it's time to start working on the CGs, but before that, I also need to finish the current pictures I am making which are unrelated to the game.

As a bonus here's a preview of the CG, as you can see by the unfinished hand, this is till a work in progress featuring Link and the zora prince Sidon from Breath of the Wild.

Sidon x Link W.I.P. Preview


  1. well, i have a new fav now. he is looking so sad though..

  2. This is his default "lazy" expression xd but I'm really happy you like him!

  3. yes yes...aaaand yes! i want more of him!

    1. Well you're lucky it might take about two weeks, but I started working on one of his CG today featuring Clef, Hiro and Aeyan ;p

  4. I think it would be cool to have the ability to take on or take off clothes in your inventory and it affects the appearance of the character portrait.. also would be fun to have "Alone Time" by yourself in bed. xp

    1. The idea of taking the clothes off was possible in VX Ace thanks to a few scripts, but I don't know how it would be possible in MV yet without causing quite a few problems.

      As for the alone time, that's something I most likely will do at some point. Maybe even for chapter two if time allows, thanks for the idea! ;)

    2. Just want to add that I will look into the clothes idea but no promises because I would like these protraits to be used a bit more too ;).

  5. Can you make this guy available in mugen too? I'm actually really surprised that you've not tried to do this he could use the same base as inuyasha really

    1. Even if you take another character's base, it's reeeaally time consuming to make and with everything I have planned, I don't have time for this. I did however make something involving both the mugen and the game, but it won't come out right away.
