Sunday, July 28, 2024

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


The next update for Palestra should be very similar to the previous update as far as content goes as the wining options in the poll were basically the same as last month's.

Since I made Caspar's corruption outfit last month, I made Ashe's this month. Up next, it will be Alm's sex toy and I most likely will make some extra outfits (like for the brothel or pet).

Dreadlord Ascension:

This week (and last week!) I've been working on Lenga's affinity scene. I should be done with it this week and send it over in time for next week! It's been quite long to make this time around as I've been doing a scene that involves all the Radian characters and Cervius (because Lenga is one hungry angel lol)



  1. want to ask on how to get zel x arena demon sex scene

    1. If you're talking about the pixel animation, that was a test I did so it's not available in game. (I was testing how long it would take to make detailed animation like that for a character, but it ended up being too time consuming with everything that's already in the game)

  2. i see, i was hoping that arena demon can be challenged by the heroes that way each hero has one scene of losing in arena and get punished by the arena demon. i thought the crystalised essence was the fight between the heroes and the arena demon. but i understand on why you dont make it if its that time consuming i love the game either way

  3. hi Red,
    How can i start the Sol quest to obtain him, i already did the research missions from haiden what now?
    and thanks for you´re amazing work :3

    1. Check either the Undercity or Colosseum node on the Dregan map. You should have a mission to do there (even if the icon is green on the map, it's a bug because the node didn't update properly with the new missions)

  4. 1. Why Ragna aren't mentioned by Dregan

    2. What which Ragna on Dregan or another world

  5. Possibly there Clef will be finished in Pal at last month?

    1. It all depends on what patrons vote for, but as it is, there should be 2 updates left for Clef
