Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dreadlord Ascension and Palestra weekly update


Been working on the Palestra update and I'm done with the assets. All that's left now is the writing and assembling the update! The new version will be available next weekend. In the meantime, here's a little teaser about the toy for OoT!

Dreadlord Ascension:

The animation package is now available for Dreadlord Ascension. Currently, I'm doing the text for the Lenga update. Also, we're currently working on a big update for a major system of the game, however, we're not ready to show proper pictures just yet. Maybe in the upcoming weeks.

Also, about the survey, I'm going to post the result and talk about them next week as I want to give more time to people to answer! So far though, we're really happy with the feedback.


  1. Red, please give Cervius secondary weapon, maybe his red magic sword. Ranged attack is not that good here because Cervius can't do anything when he's surrounded. Zel with his blade how is way better.

    1. I don't think you're playing Cervius right. He shouldn't be one to dive headfirst into enemy units. He's mostly a support who can go on the offensive when needed

  2. red,hello,Could you do me a favor,teach me how to use bathroom in deadlord. ;( I dont know how to use it after I build it.

    1. The bathroom is mostly a decorative room. Although it does unlock some random events that can only play there and it also allows you to progress with Leif's sex training.

    2. thank you,red it is kind of you
