Sunday, May 19, 2024

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update

 Next week, I should be updating the Dreadlord Ascension demo. This demo will showcase the changes we've made since then at the start of the game and will also include the bedroom furnishing.


 **This is a repost from this week's update



The poll is over and the next update will be the last one for Ezreal! I will be working on this starting this week.

Dreadlord Ascension:

For this week, I worked a lot and almost exclusively on Sol's affinity scene. I already have all his 3 closeups complete and will be drawing his final scene starting tomorrow. This scene will be available to download for patrons at the start of june.

I also pushed out a new update just now to fix some more bugs in the current DA version.

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