Sunday, May 12, 2024

New Palestra version and weekly update

 A new update is publicly available for Palestra! This update continues Natsu's character quest with a new alternative daily quest. You can download this new update from the Palestra page.


Changelogs v1.65:

- New underwear for Natsu

- Sting as a new side character for Natsu

- New portraits for Sting

- 2 new scenes for Natsu (those scenes will not appear in the scene replay)

- new daily activity for Natsu



 **Below is a repost of this week's patreon update



The new Palestra update is available, you can download it from the update post. Also, the new poll is available for the next Palestra update.

Dreadlord Ascension:

This week I worked on Sol's text for the next and last Dregan update! It's now all wrapped up so now I will be working on his affinity scene this week.

Also, we released a new update both for Android and PC to fix some bugs and also added the minimum requirements for the Android version.


  1. Hi red! Im loving both games
    Ots so hard to find porn games, and even harder gay ones!
    You got any recomendation of porn games?

    1. Depends what kind, for the gay ones, Monstersouls and Paradiso Guardian are great! If you don't mind VN, Camp Buddy was pretty popular and they're making a new one called Jock Studio (I personally never played Camp Buddy but Jock Studio looks interesting enough so I might give it a go)

      Otherwise, besides gay games, there are others I've played but most are in japanese only.
