Sunday, May 28, 2023

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


*Below is a repost of this week's patreon update


Doing a quick update before I get back to work on Natsu's update! I started the writing and decided to make something I don't think I'll be able to wrap up in a single update (will need an additional one I think). With this update, I'm adding a scene you can do once per day as a kind of alternative daily activity for Natsu but it involves Sting instead and will have two CGs (most likely only one with the first update). If people like it, I would also add Gray to it xP.

Dreadlord Ascension:

This week, I wrapped up the second closeup for Haiden's affinity scene and also started adding the scenes for the new hero challenges. Next week, I will also start adding the Daemonheim scenes and the missing hero challenge scenes.


  1. You considering doing another fanfic contest?

    1. Oh it's been a while since I last did one, it could be interesting once I get the DA going properly

    2. yeah that would be cool, I would imagine most people are gonna do it with any fictional universe they like
