Monday, April 3, 2023

Dreadlord Ascension survey

 For those who played the latest version of Dreadlord Ascension (v0.4.4) I have a uploaded a survey which you can fill out to help us get feedback about the game!

Survey link


Also, a new version for Palestra should be released next weekend!


  1. hey red, can we rewatch the random event scene in DA? i cannot find it in gallery. and where can i find the alastor random event? thx :)

    1. oh normally, you should be able to so if it's not there it's because we forgot to add it

    2. Happy Easter to you all!

  2. I have two questions.
    First: where did u come up with idea of Carvius (i hope i spelled it correctly)?
    Second: what is the plan for next update of Dreadlord Ascension?
