Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update

* This is a repost of this week's patreon update


Update is ready to be compiled in RPG MV. It will be available next weekend!

Dreadlord Ascension:

The reason this week's update is delayed is because of DA haha. I've been quite busy finishing up the entirety of the Dregan text and it is now done! The next part of the text I need to do will be training and affinity of that world's characters but that's for later.

Since I need to make more moves for the Dregan characters before they are introduced, this month's poll will be about the three characters I have showed so far (the fourth one still needs to be refined a little before I show it off).

I have also been busy on different things I can't show just yet like a new room for the castle (it needs a lot of animations because it's the main sex room but I'm hoping to have it ready in an update or two).


  1. Hopefully the problem with the map is fixed.

    1. If you mean for DA, yes, it should be. As far as we've tested, the new DA update is the most stable we've had so far with very little bugs reported.

  2. Hey Red, I have a question about the new patch of DA
    Did you change the milk production efficiency?
    I played it for 2-3 hours but I didn't get any bottle of milk from heroes.
    Is it bug or I misunderstand something?

    1. It's possible it is a bug. The current public version is fairly buggy but the new one coming out next weekend should be running pretty smoothly
