Monday, April 20, 2020

Contest closed / Patreon: Next update / Mugen: Cloud update preview


The contest is now closed, but as mentioned in yesterday's post, it is still possible to send me fanfics or fanarts until the end of the month so you can have access to the rewards once they're sent out. As for the rewards and winners, I will try to review everything under a week and pick the winners for next week ;).


The next update to come for Palestra will be about a character that hasn't seen any progress in along time: Keith!

There a little extra coming with this update, but to start things off, here's one of Keith's CG preview :D




Bound Nipple Tease:


Ass Probe:


  1. Oh hey, MC-kun getting fucked is always nice to see. To bad it'll still be another 2-3 weeks before it comes to those who can't contribute to helping let you focus on Palestra/Mugen/Whiteblade/Whatever you wish to do.

    Wish you luck, and good health.

  2. I used Google Docs free with my Gmail account to work on a fanfic. It may not be very good but I am so glad I get to receive the MUGEN downloads 3 weeks sooner with a mere 800+ words. You even extended it for people like me who are so behind it's sad! I'll do what I can Red! <3
