Wednesday, February 23, 2022

New Dreadlord Ascension update is available

 It's finally here! I've update the Dreadlord Ascension page with the new version! In this version, you can only recruit Soren for now, but more characters will be added over time. You'll also notice that the gameplay changed quite a lot since the last time (as well as the castle layout) but everything should be explained ingame. Enjoy!


  1. Hi Red,

    Is Soren's max affinity scene available for free users, or only for patreons?

    Thanks for your hard work!

    1. Soren's affinity scenes are currently only available in the patreon release ;)

  2. So red will be added kuroko in Kuroko no basket is cameo guest appear in brothel

  3. Already found a couple of bugs.

    1. Soren's and Fenris' portraits don't appear in the unit/skill list menus.

    2. If you go through a door you can't go back to the previous area in the castle. Had to start over due to getting locked out from that.

    3. When 2 happens you end up kinda breaking the map I think, since I've walked in the void area.

    1. Yep, all those bugs are fixed in the next versions. (also, if I recall correctly there are rocks that should be blocking the way to the other floors, but Threeclaws disabled the hitboxes right before release haha so just don't go where the rocks are supposed to block your path xD)

    2. I'm guessing the summoning portal also isn't yet included, cause I couldn't find it.

    3. The summoning portal is in, you need to upgrade the summoning room with the construction table ;)

    4. I did. Couldn't find the portal after searching the whole castle.

    5. Once you've done the portal, it will be in the room left of the room with the mission table

    6. Thanks. Dunno how I missed it, probably thought it was always there. I'm guessing after you summon soren that's the end.

    7. Yep, there isn't too much to do beyond that for now xP

  4. What do think of about wizard, anubis, angel, or dark demon guy is choose you someone for heroes character in DA at some point

  5. I guess I'm alone in this since no one else seems to be reporting the issue, but my game keeps consistently crashing after the Refresh skill is used on Fenris and the sex animation completes. It crashed randomly before that too but it's not as consistent.

    1. Yeeeeah, there are some crashes like this in this version unfortunately. We just did a great deal of bugfixing on the newer version on patreon, so the next version to be released for free will have a lot of those crashing bugs fixed

    2. Alrighty, I'll wait around for the bugfix updates. Thanks and keep up the great work with your games!

  6. The game won't open at all for me

  7. How to get Soren's Finisher Cutscene??

    1. The finishers are unlocked by using Cervius's true form ability on a character ;)

    2. So at true form use the refresh to Soren it will get it??

    3. I've used refresh while in true form and haven't gotten any finisher moves

  8. The game opens and flashes back.what happend?

    1. It might be an engine-related bug. We're aware of those and will be working on fixing them though it will require time and an extensive amount of work because we're probably going to change parts of the code from one language to another.

      Threeclaws did suggest some stuff to check out to make sure your game is able to run though, it might help you:

      - Check that they have the libgdcervius.dll in the same folder as the cervius_game.exe. If it's missing then the game will quit right after the game has started.

      - Try whitelisting the game for the antivirus software, or disabling the antivirus software.

      - Try executing the game as administrator.

      If none of those work, it would help us if you could send the logs found here:
      \AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Dreadlord Ascension\logs
