Monday, October 8, 2018

Harem Builder and Mugen Free updates + Update Preview

Harem Builder Free Update:

This update introduces a fex bugfixes and the possibility to add Elsword to your harem. You can transfer your saves from the previous version and start having fun right away!

With this update, the ending point for Elsword is when you have seen 4 CGs. You can also get special underwears from his daily activity and you can get a total of 8 unique ones.

You can download the latest version of harem builder on the page here. If you have any problems or questions, do leave a comment and I will answer as soon as I can!

Patreon Mugen update preview:

The new patreon version of mugen was uploaded, you can head over to patreon to download it! The moves below are included in the update.

Link Wolf Fuck:

The command for this move is D,DF,F,z

Spiderman Corruption Finisher:

Tsuna Mindthrone:

Free Mugen Update:

The premade game was updated and you can get it here. If you want an individual character, you can head over to their personal pages where the download links have been updated.

- Clothes Cut

- Mindcontrol 3
- Mindcontrol finisher changes

- Triforce Slash Finisher
- Demon Genesis

- Mindcontrol Finisher

- Demon Genesis

The spiderman page was updated to follow the new format, you can take a look if you think you might have missed a move for him at some point! ;)


  1. omg thanks I was waiting for the whole weekend XD

    1. I did it as fast as I could, but I hope you enjoy the new stuff! x)

  2. the version for download is the old version

    1. Just tested it and nope it's the right version. The new free version doesn't include the moves with the pictures, looks at the bottom of the post. More than that, if you downloaded it early, you got an old version of Tsuna and Sora which I now removed as they are patreon only characters at the moment x).

  3. I got the old version of mugen not the new one

    1. Just tested it and nope it's the right version. The new free version doesn't include the moves with the pictures, looks at the bottom of the post. More than that, if you downloaded it early, you got an old version of Tsuna and Sora which I now removed as they are patreon only characters at the moment x).

  4. I found Manami, but where is Elsword?

    1. You can find Elsword at night by going at the Inn in Castle Town :).

  5. Hi! I really love your work in Harem Builder. I have a question, it's possible to get Sora in this update?
    And, i go to the inn in the night but i can not enter :(

    1. No Sora yet, I'll start working on him in December most likely ;). As for the inn, make sure you've completed Link's and Corrin's quest beforehand ;).

  6. I love your work and free updates as always Red~

    I think that Harem Builder might be a bit buggy and in need of a patch though. Elsword's quest is what I'm having troubles with. I'll clear the three cave sections no problem and then it will take me back to a previous one except all the monsters will not have spawned in. The exit door will still be blocked by one of the Elswords in combat. The only way then to leave is by the entrance and then the three heart canisters at the top of the screen stay there for the rest of the game. :c

    I've tried it twice so far to still no avail and I don't believe I'm missing anything. Just as another interesting note, when you get the cave with no enemies spawned in there will still be tiles that are blocked as if something was there. The blocked tiles don't move (as I originally thought the sprites of monsters just didn't load) and trying to initiate combat doesn't have any affect.

    I hope this was helpful~

    1. Yep, I've been aware of this bug for a while and could never find a way to fix it :/. I'll try to take a look again when I get some time, but for now, the two other dungeons (Fire and Ice) should still work fine. Sorry about that :/

  7. What do you think of Odin of Fire emblem? Could he be in Harem Builder?

    1. Doubt he's going to make it, especially with the amount of characters I already want to add in. But I think he'd be cute if paired up with Inigo x)

  8. I'm still stuck on how to activate demon genesis. I've kept trying but nothing is happening sadf

    1. the command should be: D, F, c

      Also make sure you update your mugen to the last version ;)

  9. Replies
    1. At night after finishing Link and Corrin's quest :).
