Sunday, August 25, 2024

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


The content and features update won once again! I started working on the new outfits for that update and will be doing the same content as the last two update (1 corruption outfit + 2 pet outfits and 1 toy).

However, for the October Palestra update, I will be doing an update for Clef and will instead hold a poll to decide something part of his update.


Dreadlord Ascension:

We're nearing the first test for the new Dreadlord Ascension map style! Since we're close to done with the initial map, I can finally show pictures of it!

We still need some polish for the map, but you can see the style we're going for! What you see above is the first tutorial map in the game. We've made several improvements to how the cutscenes are played on the map too!

The only thing missing from the initial demo will be combat scene. We want to make a fight closeup stage similar to Fire Emblem to improve the combat visuals.

With the next update, our goal will be to remake all the maps in this style! The upside is that making assets for those maps is even faster than the 2D sprite assets but remaking all the maps will take some time.

On top of the visuals, this remake will also add a new dimension of height to the maps! Units will be able to move up and down cliffs at a movement cost and we also hope we can make it affect other aspects of combat!

We hope you're looking forward to test those improvements and this is only the first of 3 major parts we're planning to rework in the next updates!


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


New poll is available for the next Palestra update!


Dreadlord Ascension:

The first of the 3 rework we've been planning is going well so far! If everything goes according to our plans, we should have a demo stage available for testing on the Discord server to get feedback before the end of the month (or early next month)!

As part of this effort, I've also been working on converting our current unit scenes into 3D scenes to make them work with our new stages! While doing this, I am also adding "hit" sprites to all units to improve feedback when units are hitting each other. In addition to that, I remade the animations for Cervius and added a transformation animation to Fenris!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Palestra new version and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update

V1.68 is now publicly available! Here are the changes in this update!


- Added a new scene for Clef's/Tatsumi's quest. Talk to Clef while your relationship is > 250 to trigger the first scene

- Added Clef/Tatsumi scene in the gallery under Tatsumi

- Added a new underwear for Clef (talk to Hiro when he visits the harem after Clef has joined the harem)

- Added a new underwear for OoT Link (bought from Cervius's shop for 500 contest coins)

- Added Natsu's swimsuit

- Added new Ezreal underwear (talk to Ezreal after you've opened the first two chests so he can give you the next one)

- Tatsumi's portraits received an update to polish/improve them



New update is available! I will be making the poll next week to decide on the next update.


Dreadlord Ascension:

We're nearly ready to show the first screenshot of what we've been working for the map rework! We have several reworks in the next few months and this is the first (and probably biggest) one.

While Threeclaws is taking care of the coding side, I'm still at work on the Lenga update. The portraits are now complete and so are several assets. The only part missing are the combat animations now!

Also, while we are reworking the maps, I am taking this opportunity to update some character animations! (Currently, I added new animations to Fenris, Cervius and I plan to add a new one to Aeren too) Also, I've been working on adding new hit sprites for everything in the game too!

In the meantime, here's a preview for one of Lenga's CG!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dreadlord Ascension and Palestra weekly update


Text is done and I also have two extra pet outfits! (one for Shinra and one for Sorey) The update should be coming out next week!

Dreadlord Ascension:

Lenga's animations are finally done and now I'm moving on to other needed assets. Since Lenga's affinity was most likely the last one I needed to do this year, I'm now going to focus on the sprite animations. This month, I'll make two for Lenga and starting September, I will be doing polls to decide on who gets what! (Been a while since I made those but with all the back to back characters it wasn't possible x) )