Sunday, June 9, 2024

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update

 This is a repost from this week's update


I'm going to make this quick as I lost basically all my work from yesterday and need to catch back up x.x


New update is available, you can download it from the palestra post. Since I won't have as much time for the next update for Palestra, I will be making a poll for a content and features update.

Dreadlord Ascension:

We're currently preparing the Sol update. We're well on our way to have it out in time (provided I don't lose anymore work ><). We're also aiming to release it by the 23 as the last week of june has a lot of updates I want to play (Palworld and Elden Ring mainly).

1 comment:

  1. Will the Dreadlord Ascension Sol update come to android as well on the 23rd or will the android update be at a later date?
