Monday, May 17, 2021

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


 The new update is out and the next one will add Yuu to the game, more about that next week :P.

As for Patreon's next update, it will be about Reki. I've already started writing and doing some side stuff for it, but since I don't have access to a fully working tablet, I haven't been able to do much visuals yet ><

Dreadlord Ascension:

 I couldn't get much more work in because my tablet started malfunctioning this week >< but at least I managed to complete Zel's new portraits before it did.


  1. I See You Retweet to DuoDraconis post. Can I know what kind of game that DuoDraconics making right now.

  2. Where can one get Orichalcum? For the Ritsuka quest

  3. Can you remind me of what I do to complete the Charlemagne quest? (It's been a while since I played and forgot what I had to do and the quest menu doesn't say what to do for Charlemagne)

  4. Are you plan of yuji from jujutsu kaisen in added Palestra

  5. Hey red, have you play Granblue Fantasy or I recommend the anime watching Granblue Fantasy

  6. I'm playing Palestine now and I don't know where TaTsumi is. It's the 4th quest, but I can't find where it is to tell TaTsumi the news.
