Monday, March 23, 2020

Palestra: Next update / Mugen: Cloud update preview


The next update to be released in april will introduce a new guy part of Ritsuka's quest. Following a short scene, you will meet Arthur, the King of Knights.



Egg Carrier Finisher:

Curse Brand pt2:

Tentacle Maiden:

Size Steal:


  1. authur is not saber the female? ��

    1. There exists a male Arthur too ;). Google search "FGO Arthur" if you want to see more of him :P.

  2. A few questions; First with the appearance of Arthur would that mean Ritsuka's quest will finally be complete?

    Second, how do you use Ashe's and Caspar's Time Stop as a finisher? I tried using it repeatedly and it only does the non-finisher move even if they're at 100% pleasure.

    Finally third; Is there any plans to get the MC moves of his own to use during Arena? Cause that 500 energy doing nothing kinda bothers me.

    Thank you for all the content. Wish you well, and hope things go good for you.

    1. Arthur is the last character to be added to Ritsuka but he still needs one more update after that to wrap things up ;).

      I'll take a look at that finisher, it might be a bug (I think it might only be bugged on Ashe though since I remember having to fix a move for Ashe in last month's patreon update)

      There's no plan for that, but if I were to do it, I'd have to adjust the contest rewards values to take that into account

      You're welcome, I'll do my best to keep offering content even if the next month may become harder (There's no telling what could happen, but whatever happens, I'll keep on creating content :P)

  3. hi there i was enjoying teasing link when i thought it was a shame that the mc doesn't react to his outfits but i had an idea of how he could he could have a mirror in his room where he could tease himself and i'd really enjoy the dialogue in his corrupt form. also speaking of outfits is the mc going to get any at the arena prize shop?

    1. also could you please make some events at ddc arena for the harem members with brands or corrupt forms cause those would definitely be awesome.

    2. I'll try to keep those ideas about the MC in mind when I make the next features update poll on patreon ;). As for DDC's arena event, I'm not sure just yet if I'd do it xP

  4. V.1.23

    - Cloth Shop door bug

    - How to do Ragna quest's.I dont understand the guild. (Cause' my english is bad)

    1. For Ragna's quest, you need to pick the correct option depending on the ressources available at the top. If you have trouble with english,this quest may be a little hard, but you can get it by guessing too x)

  5. Any idea as to when the next update (V.1.26) will be released?

    1. The free updates are always released one week after the mugen update is posted on patreon. So that means the next free update will be around March 12th

  6. 能否把埃里尔加进来呢
