Friday, February 2, 2018

(Game)CG Preview and future character

As per usual, remember that the CG is a work in progress. For this week, I'm also throwing in a slight variation for the CG preview with Midan playing tricks on Link.

Here's the new character which won the vote on Patreon: Elsword! I can't wait to start drawing our new boy once I start making the second batch of characters :D.

                                          Normal:                                      Naked:
                                      Underwear 1:                          Bonus Underwear:

I hope you enjoy the latest update!


  1. Oooh, Midna and Link are having fun with portals. It adds a whole new meaning to "fuck yourself" hehe.

    Also Elsword is a sexy boy. Being able to milk him and the other cute guys is a dream come true. Gosh I love seeing all their bulges in their own unique undies. Els has a lovely chastity belt there.

    1. Actually, Elsword's bonus underwear isn't his chastity belt, its an armored shell for extra proctection when fighting ;p. I'll be adding the chastity belt later though as every character gets one ;).

  2. Well I didn't vote for Elsword, but looks like he'll be a fine addition in any case~ :P

    1. Hey doesn't mean the other characters won't be added at some point later, but right now, I got plenty to work with ;).

  3. Elsword looks hella fine. I like the armor. I just think the eyes are a tad too large? Especially when zoomed in, it's lools a little derpy. Other than that, I welcome hot red boi.

    Did Midan just use a portal on Link's dick? Ahahha

    1. Thank you ;). About Elsword's eyes, I had to reduce them because in his original art which I used for reference, his eyes were even bigger than this xd. I think they're mostly fine, but now that mentioned it, I did notice that one of his iris is angled while the other isn't which may be the cause to his little derpiness when you pay close attention. I'll make sure to fix that for the final version. :P Thanks for the feedback!

      He sure did and he's about to put it his new toy to good use :).

  4. got to admit this is amazing to be honest seeing all the effort you put it. especially still love you mugen works.

    1. Thank you, there's a mugen tonight with a brand new finisher coming out, hope you'll enjoy it ;p.

  5. Can elsword appear in mugen?

    1. As a whole character, I don't think so since he has no base character in mugen. I did make him appear as Lord Knight in a stage though. (The stage is still unfinished but you can download it in characters and Stags page at the top).
