Sunday, March 9, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update



The new CG is done and pretty much everything is ready for the last update! All I need is to put it ingame and post the update next week!


Dreadlord Ascension:

We've started on the next update for Dreadlord Ascension in earnest now. While I work on the new style of ero animations for combat, Threeclaws has been hard at work on the new skill grids! Next week I will talk a bit more about the ero animations but this week, I have the skill grids to show!

From now on, using a new room in the castle, characters will be able to upgrade their skill grids.

This feature will replace how you currently learn new skills. Characters will have fewer options but the system should be easier to understand and more straightforward. A character will have a grid similar to the above and can spend the points they earn in combat to progress through the grid and gain new skills.

Some nodes in the grid may also be unlocked by having a good affinity with other characters. For example, Aeren can unlock a node in his grid by having a good affinity with Zel.

Skills will also still work with the A, B and C slot. So while you may be able to unlock all the nodes in the grid, you will need to make a choice for which skill you want in which slot. (those skills can be switched freely once unlocked)



Monday, February 24, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


I've been working on the writing for the next update, but nothing visual this week.


Dreadlord Ascension:

This week, I completed the animations for Lenga and Alastor (with a Fenris appearance for Alastor's animation). The animations will be released next week but the cards for the stage performance will be included in the next update.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


I started working on the next update this week! For this last Palestra update, you will need to have completed all character quests in order to see the scene. Also, Ragna won the poll which is pretty fitting for what I plan to do xP!

Dreadlord Ascension:
The new Dreadlord Ascension version is coming next week! This week, we started working on the new dating update and we've also begun work on the skill grids. I will have more to share on the skill grids a little later!

Friday, February 14, 2025

New Palestra update and Dreadlord Ascension weekly news


 Sorry about the delay, I just noticed I made a "page" instead of a "post" last weekend x.x


A new Palestra update was released publicly (v1.73) you can download it from the Palestra page!



The udpate that concludes Clef's update and a new poll is now available! The next Palestra update should be the last one, finally! :D


Dreadlord Ascension:

We've been working on the dates and they are nearing completion! I expect that by the end of next week, we'll have them up for testing on the Discord server! In the meantime, here are few preview pictures of what we've been working on!



Sunday, January 26, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


I've made progress on the update with all the assets being done. Up next I still need to do the writing and the CG!

Dreadlord Ascension:

We released a new version for Dreadlord Ascension. You can find all the information about this new version in the Dreadlord Ascension v.0.17.x post.

Since we split the dates away from this version, we will be releasing a second version in February. The next version will contain the basic dates with the initial locations unlocked.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension update post


Clef won the poll again and I started working on his assets to finish his quest. This will include the usual contest stuff, Clef's underwear, etc.

Dreadlord Ascension:

Since the dates won't be in this month's update after all, we decided to push forward a small rework to the hero overview and the gallery to go with the new minigame.

In the new overview, you should have everything about the heroes in one place. The progress on their affinity, their unit data, their sex training, their corruption and even their scenes as we merged the gallery with the hero overview!

Another small change we're making is the limit on activities you can do in a cycle. At the top of the screen, you will now see Cervius's energy. You can spend that energy by doing the various minigames and activities around the castle (for example, if you want to milk 5 times in a row, you now can, but you won't be able to do anything else after until you recover your energy).

The energy can be recovered once per cycle in the bed, otherwise you need to do a battle map before you can regen more!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Palestra and Dreadlord Ascension weekly update


The new Palestra update is available as well as the new poll!


We're still working on the dates and we're getting closer to release. It's still unclear if we're going to reach our goal in time, but there will be an update this month regardless. If that were to happen, I will be splitting the dates away from the new update and release the stage performance minigame, then next month, we can release the dates.

Speaking of the date rework, the first location available will be a beach resort in Radian. While not all activities there will be unlocked at first, you can still do a whole date there. On top of that, to mark the occasion, every character will be donning a swimsuit when you go there!