Harem Builder:
So I had two choices for the HB preview, the first was to talk about distant updates and the second was to wait about a month and a half so that the preview would be synced with the upcoming update.
In the end, I decided to go with the former since it'll still allow you guys to see previews without taking a long pause. The updates may be distant but at least you still see some of the upcoming stuff :P. Now, time to show a little preview of Tatsumi's CG preview.
These moves will be available in next month's patreon update.
Mating Finisher:
Mating Finisher:
The Mating Finisher is a new type of finisher I'm adding to DDC. This finisher will trigger when DDC defeats his opponent with the Demon Genesis or the Mating Press (When DDC receives it). This move will have the offspring of the character's and DDC's fucking with said character.
Of course, there's some magic involved to make it possible in such a short time, but in the picture above, Link is being fucked by demonic son.