This Kuromaru is an edit of TheBlueKim's Kuromaru. Some Sprites were changed to male ones and some moves were added, however I did not change the name as I believe TheBlueKim did most of the work. At the end of the post, you can find the movelist including the new move's commands.
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S/Start = Start
F = Forward
B = Back
D = Down
U = Up
a = button assigned to a
b = button assigned to b
c = button assigned to c
x = button assigned to x
y = button assigned to y
z = button assigned to z
** To see which command is assigned to which button, go in the options of your Mugen game.
1- Arouser:
Command: (In front of the opponent) F, b
2- Atten Hut Fellation:
Command: D, B, D, B, y
3- Bent Spoons:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) B (Hold), D, F, y then D, then a/b/c/x/y
4- Doggystyle Humanoid:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) B (Hold), D, F, y then F, then a/b/c/x/y
5- Suspended Congress:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) B (Hold), D, F, y then B, then a/b/c/x/y
6- Pyramid:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) B (Hold), D, F, y, then U, then a/b/c/x/y
7- Big Lick:
Command: D, F, x/y
8- Bodyguard:
Command: D, B, D, B, a/b
9- Branding:
Command: D, D, y
10- Breast Pump Lactate:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) D, F, D, F, b then a
11- Breast Pump Tickle:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) D, F, D, F, b then x
12- Bukkake:
Command: (Power gauge x1) D, F, D, F, y
13- Dissolve Clothes:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) D, B, D, B, x
14- Doggystyle Animal:
Command: (Power gauge x1) D, B, y
15- Dog Lick:
Command: D, B, x
16- Huge Phallus:
Command: F (Hold), D, F, b
17- Hypnotic Gas 1:
Command: F, D, DF, F, x Opponent must have less than 50% of HP.
18- Hypnotic Gas 2:
Command: F, D, DF, F, x then stay far from the opponent. Opponent must have more than 50% of HP.
19- Hypnotic Gas 3:
Command: F, D, DF, F, x then stay close to the opponent. Opponent must have more than 50% of HP.
20- Invader:
Command: (In front of the opponent) F, y
21- Midnight Bliss:
Command: D, F, D, B, x
22- Pain Horse:
Command: D, B, D, F, x, then y
23- Petrification Ray:
Command: (Power gauge x 2) B, D, F, c
24- Rei's Grab:
Command: B (Hold), F, x/y
25- Sangue = Passare:
Command: D, F, D, B, a
26- Stuck in the Wall:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) D, F, D, F, a
27- Tentacle Drill Penetrate:
Command: D, B, D, F, xy, then y
28- Tentacle Hand:
Command: D, B, D, F, x, then a
29- Tentacle Hug:
Command: D, B, D, F, x, then x
30- Tentacle Maiden:
Command: (Power gauge x 1) D, F, D, F, x
31- Tentacle Piledriver Drill:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then a
32- Tentacle Piledriver Penetrate:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then b
33- Tentacle Piledriver Enema:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then c
34- Tentacle Piledriver Spank One Hand:
F (Hold), D, B, y, then x
35- Tentacle Piledriver Spank Two Hands:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then y
36- Tentacle Piledriver Electric Shock:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then z
37- Tentacle Piledriver Others:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, y, then Start
38- Tentacle Trap:
Command: D, F, D, B, b
39- Tentacle Wedgie:
Command: F, D, DF, F, y
40- Time Stop:
Command: D, B, D, B, b
41- Vore:
Command: F (Hold), D, B, c/z ( c = Vore Finisher 1 / z = Vore Finisher 2)
42- Zawarudo:
Command: D, B, D, B, c
43- Door
Command: D, D, z
44- Nursery
Command: D, D, x
Defeat the opponent using this move to see the full animation.
45- Time Stopped Masturbation
Command: Start, then press a,b,c,x,y or z then press Start again
46- Arouser and Invader Finisher
Defeat the opponent using the Arouser or Invader move
47- Delirium Finisher:
Trigger: Animation triggers after defeating the opponent with Hypnotic Gas.
48- Vore Finisher 1:
Trigger: Animation triggers after defeating the opponent with Vore. (F (Hold), D, B, c)
49- Vore Finisher 2:
Trigger: (alternate animation) Animation triggers after defeating
the opponent with Vore.(F (Hold), D, B, z)
50- Breeding Finisher:
Trigger: Animation triggers after defeating the opponent with certain moves.